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Mike’s Q1 2024 Update!

Catch up on what we have planned this year for our 20th Anniversary as well as other milestone events that have occured this year, including Mike running with his daughter at her first ever marathon in Paris!

The master in the art of living makes little distinction between his work and his play, his labor and his leisure, his mind and his body, his information and his recreation, his love and his religion.  He hardly knows which is which.  He simply pursues his vision of excellence in whatever he does, leaving others to decide whether he is working or playing.  To him, he’s always doing both. –James Michener

Greetings, Friends!

The sentences above comprise my favorite quote about work.  As a failed English major in college, it is a tad strange that any commentary from American author, James Michener, has stayed with me all these years…  Much better, it has only come to mean more to me over the last few!  And as Big Peach turns twenty (20) next month, I do not take for granted the blessing of loving my work, loving those with whom I work and loving the industry in which I work. 

I also do not take for granted the opportunity to have a few moments with you!  The love of this work began with a commitment to Guest Services that is now driven deep into the nucleus of our business.  “Always Choose Service Excellence” is a Core Value that is as important to our organization as the love of health and fitness or the fun we get to have when we’re together!  The following are items of which I believe you should be aware, as we journey through this year together.  Again, I am so grateful for you.

20th Anniversary Celebration

Big Peach opened on May 24, 2004.  As our Team arrives and eclipses that same date this year, we have some very cool ways to express our appreciation for the opportunity to serve you and be part of the special communities we call home.  It truly is all about gratitude, connecting with friends and giving back…  We hope you will join us along the way!  Here are just a couple of items that are coming up (with so many others planned for the remainder of the year):

May 18th

As May 24th is part of Memorial Day weekend this year, we figured we should get ahead of your plans or prospects of being away from home…  As such, we are going BIG on Saturday, May 18th!!!  This same newsletter will provide all the details over the weeks to come.  BUT you should know we intend to have a genuinely special and incredibly memorable event at EACH of our Atlanta-area stores on that date.  This includes scavenger hunts, complimentary breakfasts and espressos, gifts and raffles, themed activities and much, much more!  Of course, our biggest Footwear brands will be involved and part of the parties, too!  And thanks to our Team and friends in Cartersville, we will also be bringing the celebration to the Chick-fil-A / Big Peach Running Co. Cartersville Half-Marathon & Duck Dash 5K.  If you haven’t registered for this race, the time is now…

World Bike Day (June 3rd) and Global Running Day (June 5th)

As always, more up-to-the-minute details will be available through this weekly newsletter and our social channels – – but we are heavily recommending you mark these dates on your calendar, as we already have four (4) different (and AWESOME) activities planned.  For World Bike Day, we will have one heckuva Monday Night Safety Ride.  We’ll also have a Repair Clinic that evening and a fun raffle.  If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have fun riding in a group in our great city in the evening, this is the perfect occasion to find out…  On Global Running Day, it is also full tilt!  Our activities will include a morning run/walk in Midtown, an evening run/walk in Alpharetta and a very pedestrian-minded activity at a local brewery…  Yes, our Global Running Day activities are all on the same day!  In addition, we will have a FREE commemorative tee (while supplies last) for all who join us, compliments of Big Peach Premium Screen Printing.  Please try not to put anything else on your schedule for these days – – because we’re loading you up!

World Bicycle Day & Global Running Day

Bringing Peaches to the Beaches!

If you’ve not already heard, Big Peach is now in FLORIDA!  As part of our Peach Partner Program, you can now find world-class service and the same great Big Peach Running Co. selection in Melbourne, FL.  So if you find yourself on the Space Coast or you have friends in Brevard County (FL), let’s connect!  To see the address and learn more, check this out:  Big Peach – Melbourne

And if you want to learn more about our Peach Partner Program, use the link above or send a note to

Here (below) are some cool pictures from the Grand Opening this past weekend!  The festivities included a Kona Ice truck on a hot Florida day (thanks to our friends from New Balance), a Superhero Run, 2-time Super Bowl champion, Jamie Collins, stopping by, and the author of New Steel: Replace Doubt and Fear with Resolve and Courage – from Two Hip Replacements to Two Triathlon Finishes, Chris Bystrianski, for interviews and book signings!

Big Peach Melbourne Grand Opening

Move For Grady

You do not have to live in Atlanta for long to know some of the story of Grady Hospital…  It may be you’re aware it is an institution that is more than 100 years old.  You may have already learned it is one of the largest public hospitals in the country… Or that it is Atlanta’s only Level I Trauma Center or Comprehensive Burn Unit.  But regardless of how much of the story you know, it is a story that always starts and ends with service and resilience.  Government and insurance funding do not meet the cost of operation or the ever-expanding quality of care delivered… so this is where Move for Grady comes in!  By doing something you already do (walking, running or cycling), you can make a great impact just by registering and participating.  Big Peach will be out there with local friends from Delta, Home Depot, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Hennessy, Chik-fil-A, Coca-Cola, UPS and many others.  Register today!  The link above link makes it 1-click easy…

It’s Worth It to Stick With It

Next year, it will be thirty years (30) since I completed my first marathon.  Since then, I’ve lost track of how many long-distance running events in which I’ve participated – – and it has been more miles to get and stay ready for these races than I could possibly count. 

And like you, perhaps, there have been more than just a few times along the way when I’ve thought, “Do I really want to go for a run today?”

Also similar to many people, the answer has often come back quietly (or adamantly…) as, “No.”

But I went anyway.  Most of the time.  One foot in front of the other.  In no hurry.  With no plan, no premeditated direction and no sense of purpose.  For sure, I often felt better as I went…  And there were even times something happened during my run that was special (or, at least, worthwhile)…  But on plenty of other occasions, I never really understood why I went running.  If I’m honest, there were even instances when I never felt validated just because I checked the box…  And I certainly did not feel more ready for anything than before I left.

Ultimately, I came to be o.k. with not knowing whether those miles or moments spent running mattered.  It was just something I did.  And that was good enough.

But it all came to make perfect sense earlier this month!

My daughter, Monica, was a bit of a “miracle baby.”  She was born with Surfactant Deficiency Disorder and immediately put her parents on edge, as she spent a few weeks in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.  Ultimately, she transitioned from a life-threatening condition to being ready for discharge.  What a celebration it was!  And though she still has minor carryover challenges associated with her start, she has grown up as a confident young woman, making her parents and community wonderfully proud.  Today, she is a Freshman at the University of Mississippi.

But how does this intersect with my newly understood purpose for all those miles?

As she settled into life in Oxford (MS), she called one day and said, “Dad, I kind of miss running.  Can we do a half marathon together?”

Later this year on LinkedIn, I’ll more fully detail my answer to this question.  The backstory is a mixture of personal fitness, working in a fitness-related industry and parenting.  For sure, this recipe has its advantages…  But it is also fair to say it is not always easy for others!
Note:  If you’re interested in seeing the rest of this story when it is published – – or knowing more about how our business intersects with life – – follow us on LinkedIn.  Here’s a link to make it simple to do so:  LinkedIn – Big Peach.  

For now, I’ll give thanks to my daughter for the miles and memories that were part of this year’s Publix Georgia Marathon & Half Marathon (February 25th) and Paris Marathon (April 7th).  In both instances, I was able to connect my work, my family and my enthusiasm for the lifestyle we serve.  Most importantly, it revealed the purpose of all those miles that, at the time, seemed purposeless.  Since I would not have been able to hang or keep pace with her at these occasions otherwise, I now know why I had to stay ready.  And to have had these moments with my daughter – – knowing all that she has conquered on her own – -makes it certain I would take every single step all over again.

Stay ready, my friends!

Big love and much appreciation,
