Ep. 98 – The RUNATL Podcast With Guest Samia Akbar

The RUNATL Podcast is hosted by Big Peach Running Co. Founder, Mike Cosentino, and Director of Marketing, Dave “D2” Martinez. This week on the RUNATL Podcast we sit down with Samia Akbar, the fastest female American-born black marathoner and Marketing Manager for New Balance.

Small Business Saturday

Hello, Friends,

Samia Akbar

Ongoing conversation.  Ongoing commitment.  These are requirements for change and progress, as we rid the pedestrian-active lifestyle AND our world of racial inequity and injustice.  To that end, we’re thrilled to bring you a new friend:  Samia Akbar.  She is the fastest female American-born black marathoner, an industry companion as the Marketing Manager for New Balance, and a wonderfully proud voice for runners everywhere, and an important influence for the activity and sport of running with black Americans.  Along with her story and accomplishments, in this episode, we get much to consider and wind in our sails for the work we all must do…   


Here are the Show Notes:

To learn more about Samia’s running achievements, please click here.

To check out the current status and all the details ever associated with the New York Marathon, please visit this link.

To see some of the work Samia is now doing with New Balance, please take a moment to look at the Running pages for our friends and business partners from her appreciated employer.

For details about the holiday promotion at BPRC and all else that is going on to finish this year as strongly as possible, here’s a quick link to our homepage.

As always, thank you for listening… and for all your support.  YOU are why this journey is still so satisfying…  We so sincerely hope to see you soon!  In the meantime, MAY YOUR BEST MILES BE THOSE COVERED ON FOOT!

– Mike