Ep. 90 – The RUNATL Podcast with Guest Alissa Palladino

The RUNATL Podcast is hosted by Big Peach Running Co. Founder, Mike Cosentino, and Director of Marketing, Dave “D2” Martinez. This week on the RUNATL Podcast we welcome Alissa Palladino. Alissa is an Atlanta-based registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN) and certified personal trainer dedicated to helping people achieve their health and fitness goals.

RUNATL Podcast

Hello, Friends,

As we continue to find our way amidst routines that are likely much different than those previously at the commencement of August, we know there are some things that are still timeless.  One of those things is food…  We may now purchase it differently, consume it more or less often in certain environments, or pay more or less for it – – but it matters.  To help us get the most from our choices in this arena, we’ve Atlanta’s foremost authority joining us this episode!  Alissa Palladino is a Registered Dietitian, certified personal trainer, avid runner, and veggie lover…  Her knowledge, focus, and personality come together to get us excited about food choices, even in the strangest of seasons!

Here are the Show Notes:

To contact Alissa or schedule a conversation about your own nutrition planning, send a note to apalladinordn@gmail.com and follow her on Twitter at @alissapalladino.

Here are some of the episodes of The Distance (with Alissa), presented by Atlanta Track Club (you can find other content on the Atlanta Track Club YouTube channel). 

To learn more about The Sizzlin’ 65 for Miles For Cystic Fibrosis that D2 outline for us, get all the details and register here. 

To get more local trivia about I-285, visit here

As always, thank you for listening… and for all your support.  YOU are why this journey is still so satisfying…  We so sincerely hope to see you soon!  In the meantime, MAY YOUR BEST MILES BE THOSE COVERED ON FOOT!

– Mike