Ep. 8 – The RUNATL Podcast with Guests Abby & John Keenan

The RUNATL Podcast is hosted by Big Peach Running Co. Founder, Mike Cosentino, and Director of Marketing, Dave “D2” Martinez. This week our Guests are Abby & John Keenan with Intrepid Performance Consulting. If you’re looking at improving your performance by also training your mind, then you need to listen to this week’s podcast!

RUNATL Podcast

Greetings, Friends!

Intrepid Performance Consulting

This was a special episode for me, as I was really as novice as anyone could be with using specific Sports Psychology Training for my benefit.  Sure, I’ve always understood the importance of having a correct attitude, thinking positively and pursuing a goal…  But I’ve never contemplated processes for engaging in such mental exercises regularly or what should be done tactically.  John and Abby Keenan changed all that for me during our taping and in my preparations for this broadcast!  And I have solid reason to believe such will the case for you, too! 

As always, we would appreciate your feedback.  You can send us a note at podcast@bigpeachrunningco.com with suggestions for this episode or anything you would like to see in the future!  Of course, this is also where you can submit your question for the Podcast Payout!

We appreciate you being part of the fun!  We’ll be back Labor Day week…  In the meantime, here are the Show Notes for our 8th installment:

SHOW NOTES for Episode #8

To learn more about Intrepid Performance or connect with Abby and John, click here.

To learn more about or order the book D2 references by IronMan champion, Chrissie Wellington, that prompted him to take mental training more seriously, visit this site.

To learn more about psychologist Carol Dweck, whose work Abby references during our discussion, check this out.

To get quickly up-to-speed on the Usain Bolt races from the recently completed World Championships in London, watch these videos: 100m Final,  4x100m Relay Final.

To get advice or training programs from either (or both!) of the esteemed running coaches referenced by John, use these links: Dr. Jack Daniels Lydiard Foundation.

If our conversation about SMART goals got your attention, but you need to learn more or freshen up on this framework, this document provides plenty of detail.

We look forward to connecting again with you very soon — and we will be back the week of Labor Day!  As always, may your best miles be those covered on foot!


RUNATL Podcast