Ep. 35 – The RUNATL Podcast with Guest Dr. Jonathan Kim

The RUNATL Podcast is hosted by Big Peach Running Co. Founder, Mike Cosentino, and Director of Marketing, Dave “D2” Martinez. This week on the RUNATL Podcast we talk about heart health and the benefits of exercise with our featured guest, Cardiologist Dr. Jonathan Kim.

RUNATL Podcast

Hello, Friends!

Be still, my beating heart!

Well, maybe not totally still.  But, perhaps, a little lower resting heart rate wouldn’t be all bad.  And it’s possible that heart rate training might improve my racing performance…  In short, welcome to our Heart Health Episode!  With Dr. Jonathan Kim from Emory University as our Featured Conversation, we touch on everything we all need to have a happy, healthy heart and get the most out of our pedestrian-active lifestyle.  Like he says, “Exercise Is Medicine!”  For sure, there is no need to strap on the heart rate monitor for the content contained in our conversation – – but you will love us for bringing it to you!

The Show Notes are below…

SHOW NOTES for Episode #35

Here’s the Faculty Bio for our Special Guest, Dr. Kim!

Here’s what the CDC (based here in Atlanta!) has to say about the current state of our “heart health” in the U.S.

If you’re inclined to learn more about all that is going on to fight heart disease, promote healthier habits pertaining to our heart health and provide tips for eating and exercising, the American Heart Association is the bona fide authority.

To learn more about the relocation announced for our Decatur store, read all about it here.  We should be in this new space by September 1st!

To ensure you’re always getting good and relevant news in your inbox, you should be receiving the Big Peach Running Co. newsletter every Monday evening…  If you’re not, here’s the ticket to your free subscription (scan to the bottom of the page).

We Heart You!  And we will be back in just two (2) weeks!  In the meantime, MAY YOUR BEST MILES BE THOSE COVERED ON FOOT!

– Mike