Hello, Friends!
What treasure chest the opportunity to host this podcast has become… It’s seemingly a priceless prize every episode for me! And, for sure, the Featured Conversation with Eli Hamner punctuates such a reality as we meet a man who has demonstrated how life transformation is possible thru running and exercise. Addiction and homelessness have now been replaced by Finish Lines and a fitness routine he so joyfully shares with others… This is another installment in the spirit of “What’s Your Excuse?!” It will have you cheering, sharing and feeling inspired! And just as a refresher, here’s the video that started this type of content.
The Show Notes are below…
SHOW NOTES for Episode #33
For those who do need to see what an actual phone booth looks like, here’s an image to get you started…

If you were hearing the term “Freaknik” for the first time or need a trip down Memory Lane in Atlanta to relive this annual iconic party with a heyday in the 90’s, this article will provide a primer for you.
To get even more insight and inspiration from Eli, check out his blog here.
And, of course, to learn more about and determine how you, too, can get involved with Back On My Feet, start with this link.
We will see you again in just a couple weeks… Until then, may your best miles be those covered on foot!
– Mike