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Ep. 30 – The RUNATL Podcast with Guest Dr. Kate Edwards

The RUNATL Podcast is hosted by Big Peach Running Co. Founder, Mike Cosentino, and Director of Marketing, Dave “D2” Martinez. This week our “Featured Conversation” is with Dr. Kate Edwards. She is back and this time we discuss her very personal journey that she shares in her new book, “Racing Heart: A Runner’s Journey of Love, Loss, and Perseverance”.

RUNATL Podcast

Hello, Friends!

Man, this is a fun episode, as it signals our first full year with the RUNATL Podcast AND it gives us occasion to have our first returning guest for the Featured Conversation…  More specifically, Dr. Kate Mihevic Edwards joined us for Episode #17 to share her expertise thru her time with Precision Performance – – but in this broadcast, she brings us brave, refreshing and wonderfully real content for life thru her book, Racing Heart.  As one review indicates, “It is the story of love and loss, of passion and pain.”  But, for sure, it is a book and journey that you cannot put down and from which we can all learn…

As always, thank you for being part of the fun!  The Show Notes are below…

SHOW NOTES for Episode #30

If you’ve not yet listened to Episode #17, make plans to do so!  In the meantime, here are a couple great sites where you can learn so much about our amazing Guest: and  You can also connect with Dr. Kate at

Here’s a quick way to pick up a copy of Kate’s book.

To learn more about ARVC, check out these links at & Genetics Home Reference.

To make a donation to the program at Johns Hopkins that has been so helpful to Kate and so many others, please visit the John Hopkins Medicine website.

We mentioned (again!) the importance of “dynamic stretching.”  Here’s a way to get started with some helpful and easy-to-do stretches that can become part of your warm-up.

As one of the ads indicated, it is time to get your gear for this year’s AJC Peachtree Road Race…  Here’s an opportunity to be one of the few who have the “official shoe.”

We will see you again in just a couple weeks…  Until then, may your best miles be those covered on foot!

– Mike