Ep. 3 – The RUNATL Podcast with Guest Jay Holder

The RUNATL Podcast is hosted by Big Peach Running Co. Founder, Mike Cosentino, and Director of Marketing, Dave “D2” Martinez. This week our Guest is Jay Holder of the Atlanta Track Club.

RUNATL Podcast

Episode 3 – The RUNATL Podcast with Guest Jay Holder

Greetings, Friends!

It’s that time.  Yes, THAT time!  It’s time for our run-happy community to finish our preparations for – – and begin our outright celebration of – – our annual Fourth of July tradition in Atlanta, the AJC Peachtree Road Race.  And to properly do so, this is our first-ever special-edition episode, as we dedicate 100% of the content to this truly special event.  From interesting trivia to helpful hints and very much including our interview with Jay Holder (Atlanta Track Club and AJC Peachtree Road Race, Director of Marketing), we uncover race details and stories not covered anywhere else!  Whether a past, registered or aspiring participant in the world’s largest 10K, we know you’ll enjoy this show and want to know how to easily find specified information…  So here you go!  These are the “Show Notes” for Episode #2…

And, of course, please don’t forget that you can always connect with us AND enter your question for the “Podcast Payout” at podcast@bigpeachrunningco.com!  This current Podcast Payout will be the last where we will be giving out a FREE entry to the AJC Peachtree Road Race!

SHOW NOTES for Episode #3

To find the most comprehensive information about the AJC Peachtree Road Race, visit this site.

To learn more about the training programs referenced that are offered by the Atlanta Track Club, check out this link. 

Here is contact information for our Featured Interview, Jay Holder:  jay.holder@atlantatrackclub.org

Here is event and registration information for the three (3) races Jay mentions as he responds to what a year-round pedestrian-active lifestyle might include:

Here is the Atlanta Track Club Facebook page that Jay cites:  https://www.facebook.com/AtlantaTrackClub/.

Here is the link to the Peachtree Podcast that Jay hosts and that absolutely covers ALL things AJC Peachtree Road Race in its various episodes.

Here is information about the Health & Fitness Expo accompanying the race that Jay and Mike mention.

Here is the cookbook with Shalane Flanigan and Elyse Kopecki:  Run Fast. Eat Slow.

Here is information about the Bib Transfer System for the AJC Peachtree Road Race.

With regular references to the rightfully celebrated Finisher’s Tee for the AJC Peachtree Road Race, here are the Finalists for this year’s tee design.

Here is some great backup information to the recommendations that D2 and Mike provided as ways to increase your speed for most distances (besides going to the track for workouts): 

To enter the “Podcast Payout,” send your question (where we’ll all learn something together!) to:  podcast@bigpeachrunningco.com.

Thank you for listening!  We will connect with you soon and be back the week of June 26th.  Until then, may your best miles be those covered on foot!

– Mike

RUNATL Podcast