Ep. 145 – The Big Peach Ride + Run Podcast with Guest Carly Harrison

The Big Peach Ride + Run Podcast is hosted by Big Peach Running Co. Director of Marketing, Dave “D2” Martinez. This week Carly Harrison joins us to share her story of being struck by a vehicle while running and what you can do to avoid this from happening to you.

Hey Friends!

One of the things I love about hosting the podcast is meeting new people. I would have liked to have met Carly for other reasons. It is unfortunate that she was hit by a car while out on a run. This could easily have been me or anyone who has walked through our doors. I am glad that she survived. I know she still has a bit to go in her recovery and I do hope she’s able to enjoy running again and maybe make a complete and full recovery so she can race competitively again.

As a runner and a cyclist, I want to be made at the driver that hit Carly. It would be an easy emotion but at the same time, I don’t know all of the details and circumstances. I also know that I have rushed to beat a red light. I could have also been the driver in this situation. This episode is a reminder, to save a few seconds or minutes in traffic is not worth the injury to another human being or worse, taking their life. So let’s make sure that as drivers, we are not distracted, not running late, or speeding. Let’s make sure that we take a few extra seconds to make sure the intersection is clear, and that when turning we are checking to make sure the sidewalk is clear. As a driver and runner/cyclist make sure you make eye contact with each other before entering an intersection. I hate that Carly was a victim and I would hate any of us to be on either side of a situation like this.

Show Notes:

The non-profit that Carly has partnered with is the Lutzie 43 Foundation. Their 5k will take place in August and we’ve already connected with Carly to help promote the race.

The Northwest Trail section of the beltline is under construction as well as the Southside Trail and Northeast Trail. If you like to ride or run on long sections of the beltline, the construction will impact your plans.

The items I mentioned for personal safety are the Go Guarded Ring, Go Guarded Handheld with Pepper Spray, and Nathan Ripcord Siren. If you run by yourself and you feel like you might need something for self-defense, please consider these items.

Go Guard Ring
Nathan SaferRun Ripcord Alarm
Go Guard Handheld with Pepper Spray

If you’re interested in learning more about SRAM’s new Universal Derailleur Hanger check out their website.

For the adjustable tire pressure system used by team Jumbo-Vista check out this article.

Thanks for listening. The next episode will be a buying guide for those just getting into cycling. I look forward to the next episode.

Until next time, keep running, keep riding, and keep believing in yourself.
