Ep. 111 – The RUNATL Podcast With Guest Beau Beard

The RUNATL Podcast is hosted by Big Peach Running Co. Founder, Mike Cosentino, and Director of Marketing, Dave “D2” Martinez. This week on the RUNATL Podcast we sit down with Dr. Beau Beard, a Chiropractor, coach, and expert on movement. He shares his thoughts and experience on why being active and moving is the key to staying healthy.

2020 Year

Hello, Friends,

New friends.  And making new friends with dear friends.  Both are a gift!  And as we introduce our new friend, Dr. Beau Beard, to you, our dear friend (the listener!), it is with absolute certainty that you will learn from and very much come to appreciate his perspective and work!  Dr. Beard takes us on a journey that involves our own health, the health of the environment, and a healthy perspective on health!  This is for YOU, friend!  And us!  And it’s for the ages…  Enjoy!

Here are the Show Notes:

Here’s a quick link to get registered for The RUNATL Training Program that Coach D2 referenced:  RUNATL Labor Day 10K Training Group Runs | Big Peach Running Co.

For a solid place to begin the worthwhile endeavor of learning even more about Dr. Beau, please visit this link:  Beau Beard – Chiropractor. Athlete. Creative.

To learn more about Beau’s upcoming book and pre-order, this should do the trick:  The Age of Movement: Time Keeps on Moving and So Should You – Kindle edition by Beard, Beau . Health, Fitness & Dieting Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.

To see Beau’s Tedx talk, watch this:  Why you should practice environmental reflection | Beau Beard | TEDxBirmingham – YouTube

To listen to episodes of the Dr. Beau Show, please go here:  ‎The Dr. Beau Show on Apple Podcasts

To get an even better sense of why the cool acronym F.A.R.M. has so much substance, this is your click:  The FARM | Birmingham Chiropractic, Rehabilitation, and Sports Injury TreatmentT (chirofarm.com)

To get registered for this year’s Big Peach Sizzler (and, perhaps, take on D2 in the 5k!), please visit here:  Big Peach Sizzler (runsignup.com)

As always, thank you for being part of the conversation.  We’ll see you in just a couple of weeks…  In the meantime, MAY YOUR BEST MILES BE THOSE COVERED ON FOOT!

– Mike