Ep. 101 – The RUNATL Podcast Lessons For The New Year

The RUNATL Podcast is hosted by Big Peach Running Co. Founder, Mike Cosentino, and Director of Marketing, Dave “D2” Martinez. This week on the RUNATL Podcast we sit down with our own team of Store Managers. We discuss lessons learned in 2020 and how we can apply them towards resolutions and goals in the new year.

2020 Year

Hello, Friends,

HAPPY NEW YEAR!  It is good to be here.  Yes, here with our next episode of The RUNATL Podcast… BUT, even more so, into the year #2021!

And we’re starting the year out both conventionally and with figurative bang…  We are, indeed, going to use this episode as a way to prompt talk of resolutions and provide means to keep them.  At the same time, we are going to do so by connecting you to the best resource we believe exists to consider and share such content:  the Store Managers at Big Peach Running Co.!  The truth is that these men and women have both their own finely-tuned targets AND the good fortune of working each day with so many others who have their objectives for life.  It is true that “experience usually bests opinion” – – and, man, is there a truckload of experience on our panel!


Here are the Show Notes:

To learn more about the Wellness Index that we overview AND where Atlanta finished a very respectable 2nd, check this out.

To better get to know some of the Team Members who joined us for this panel, please visit this page.

As always, thank you for listening… and for all your support.  Don’t forget we’ve Rich Kenah to discuss much, including the 2021 AJC Peachtree Road Race, in the next episode…  Don’t miss it!  YOU are why this journey is still so satisfying…  We so sincerely hope to see you soon!  In the meantime, MAY YOUR BEST MILES BE THOSE COVERED ON FOOT!

– Mike