Hello, Friends!
Man, this is fun! More specifically, this is the first time we have done a live taping of the RUNATL Podcast… and not too bad, if I don’t say so myself! Moreover, this is only the second time we’ve ever had a returning Featured Conversation, as we reconnect with the Pease Brothers because of some exciting news and new stories they’ve managed since Episode #22… Prepare yourself for a real treat AND make plans to support these special guys along the way!
Also, I suppose I should note that these are simplest Show Notes we’ve ever prepared! Thru the two (2) links below, you’ll have everything you need to substantiate the headline: Kyle & Brent Are Headed To Kona!
The Show Notes are below…
SHOW NOTES for Episode #36
Here’s where you can get more of the stories we tell, see the videos we reference, respond to our encouragement to donate and stay in touch with Kyle and Brent at the Kyle Pease Foundation.
And here’s where you can get all the information on this incredibly difficult, world-renowned event they are doing and that we call “IRONMAN – World Championships!”.
We will be back in just two (2) weeks! In the meantime, MAY YOUR BEST MILES BE THOSE COVERED ON FOOT!
– Mike