What’s Your Excuse – The Journey, part 2

What’s your excuse? We’re checking in with Tiffany Krumins to see how she’s doing!

Life doesn’t stop even when we decide to tackle a lifelong goal or check something off our bucket list. The important this is to make sure life doesn’t get in the way of crushing your excuse! Tiffany set her goal at the beginning of her journey, to run a race. Let’s find out how things are going!

So, you’ve started working towards your goal and maybe like Tiffany you’ve encountered some “issues.” Here are a few tips to help crush those new excuses that might come up!

  1. I’m too busy. It’s true, we’re all busy, and if we really want to meet a goal life doesn’t stop. So, how do we stay motivated when the kids need something? Or an extra job comes up at the last minute at work? Make sure you schedule time to conquer your excuse. Pick a race and sign up for it so you have a set date that you’ll reach your goal on. Plus, workout time can be family time! Tiffany took both of her kids along while out on a run.
  2. Aches & Pains. You’re doing something new. They’re bound to come up. So, meet the 10% rule. Don’t increase your mileage or time by more than 10% each week and don’t forget that recovery is an important part of your training too. If you have a sharp pain then it’s probably a smart idea to have someone take a look at the area to make sure things are okay. If it’s a dull achy pain your muscles are probably sore from working out. Try soaking in Epsom salts or give the foam roller moves Tiffany learned a try!
  3. Running Form. It really can make a difference. Most people overstride, meaning your foot is in front of your body. Try shortening your stride so that your foot lands underneath you and taking more steps per minute.

So, what’s your excuse? Have you shared it with anyone yet? Stop by any of our locations and join others who are working towards goals depsite the things that get in their way, or visit our page to submit your story. Join the movement. Crush your excuse!